Design Concept
Fedra Arabic Display is a collection of extreme light and dark fonts for large sizes. All styles have been optimised for compact settings.

Text & Display
Fedra Sans Arabic is a text type family ranging between Light and Bold. Based on the same skeleton Fedra Arabic Display goes further to the extremes on both ends of the spectrum. Hairline and Thin on one side, Heavy and Black on the other. The extremes are not mere weight extrapolations; they differ in character, spacing and details.

Fedra Arabic Display comes in 4 styles: Hairline, Thin, Heavy and Black. All available with their Latin counterparts.

The Latin Fedra Sans Display was designed in 2005 by Peter Biľak and Pieter van Rosmalen. Fedra Arabic Display has been designed originally by Khajag Apelian, based on the drawings of Peter Biľak, and finalised by Bahman Eslami under the direction of Kristyan Sarkis.