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About TPTQ Arabic
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Specific Font Questions
Text with Small Caps
What’s this all about?
How does it work?
Webfont options
How is it different from sIFR or Cufón?
How do I use the CSS code?
What are the Print & Web License and the Web Licence?
Can I embed any font in my website?
Does your system work in all browsers?
Can I place the fonts on my server?
How do I embed a font for viewing in Internet Explorer?
Where are the embedded fonts hosted?
My client doesn’t accept having their fonts installed on external servers. What to do?
I am concerned about the reliability and speed of hosting fonts on third-party servers. How does it work?
How are the fonts secured?
What is font subsetting?
What is @font-face?
Is this a one-time fee, or a subscription model?
Do webfonts support OpenType features?
Do webfonts support languages such as Russian or Arabic?
How much does it cost?
How much does bandwidth cost?
How do I use webfonts on HTTPS websites (SSL certificate)?
Does it work when JavaScript is disabled in browsers?
Can I use the fonts I licensed both in print and on the web?
Can I try the fonts before buying a licence?
If I buy a Web Licence, can I upgrade to a Print & Web Licence later?
I bought a font licence from you many years ago. Can I use the webfonts for free?
I also sell fonts. Can I use the TPTQ Arabic system to embed my own fonts?
How many domains do you allow the font to be displayed on per licence?
Can I update the list of domains after purchase?
I am a web designer who used the fonts for a client’s site, but would now like to transfer the web project and all future charges to the client. Is that possible?
Can I set my own monthly budget for the bandwidth?
What happens to the website if I stop paying monthly bandwidth charges?
Can I also use my locally installed fonts for test purposes?
Firefox briefly displays another font before it loads the font I selected. Why does this happen?
Why don’t the fonts look the same in Windows and in Mac OS?
Can I see some samples of your fonts in use?
How do I use the Small Caps?
Fonts on iPhone and iPad
Do you allow self-hosting of webfonts?
Font Subsetting
Canceling monthly subscription
Extra bandwidth
Text renders in Caps only, what to do?
Can I change the billing address for the monthly subscription?
Problem with anti-aliasing
Do you cache fonts?
Special characters
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How many domains do you allow the font to be displayed on per licence?
There is no limit on the number of specified domains.
web domain