Some credit card companies have started requesting extra security information when processing payments. This is for the protection of their customers and has nothing to do with our website. Visa and MasterCard in particular have developed authentication procedures to improve online transaction security.
Verified By Visa and MasterCard SecureCode use personal codes known only to the card holder. The codes protect clients from fraudulent online transactions and enable the card holder and card issuer to identify each other before proceeding with an online order.
You can read more about this here:
Verified By Visa (USA)
Verified By Visa (Europe)
MasterCard SecureCode
Orders on TPTQ Arabic which were not completed because of incomplete security information are saved to your account with the status ‘Waiting for payment’. They are not complete orders, so if you'd like to proceed with ordering you need to place the order again using a different credit card or other payment method.
Some especially proactive card issuers give you the option to enroll in Verified By Visa or MasterCard SecureCode during the payment process when we send you to their authentication server. Most card issuers give you the option to defer signing up and just proceed with the payment. If not, you can go to your bank’s website and sign up, try using another card, or call your bank.