
Software refers to the programs and other operating information used by a computer.

LetterMeter, a Unicode based text analysis tool, helps compare multilingual texts and measure the frequency of particular glyphs. It has been moved to a different website:
The Print & Web Licence of our OpenType fonts permits you to download the font files and use them in your favourite print applications. When you want to use them on a website, log in to your account to generate a block of CSS code for your webpage.
Fonts are software, and their use is defined by their End-User Licence Agreement. At the moment, most commercial fonts don’t permit font embedding, but all TPTQ Arabic fonts can be embedded via our secure server.
While all OpenType fonts will work in nearly all existing software, only some applications take full advantage of OpenTypeʼs advanced layout features. Applications such as InDesign, Illustrator, PhotoShop, QuarkXPress 7 (and higher), Word 2010 and Mellel offer these options.
If you have successfully unpacked and installed the fonts, but the fonts are still not available, try the following tips:
There have been numerous bugs in font managers such as Suitcase, FontReserve, FontAgent and FontBook, so we don’t really recommend any font management software without reservation. The most reliable way is always to install fonts directly to your system.
While all OpenType fonts will work in nearly all existing software, only some applications take full advantage of OpenTypeʼs advanced layout features. Applications such as InDesign, Illustrator, PhotoShop, QuarkXPress 7 (and higher) and Mellel offer an interface for controlling these options.
While all OpenType fonts will work in nearly all existing software, only some applications take full advantage of the OpenType advanced layout features. Applications such as InDesign, Illustrator, PhotoShop, QuarkXPress 7 (and higher) and Mellel offer these options.
Many of the special characters in our typefaces are activated by turning on the appropriate features in your application. For example, you can select a segment of text and convert it to small caps or to superior letters without having to retype it.