
Contact relates to communication via telephone, post or internet.

If, at any time after creating an account, or signing up for our mailing list, you change your mind about receiving information from us, you can simply unsubscribe from the mailing list. If you have a TPTQ Arabic online account simply log in to your account, and update your preferences.
While the licence of the TPTQ Arabic Web Font Service doesn’t cover the installation of fonts on external servers, we do offer a special Server Licence which allows installation of fonts on web servers. The fonts must be installed following special instructions. This licence is priced at €1500 per font.
Complete packages of fonts are significantly discounted. While a single style of a PostScript font costs €60, a complete Fedra Sans Pro package with 35 styles costs only €520. If you previously purchased a licence for a single style of a font and now wish to use the complete package,...
If you previously purchased a licence for an OpenType Std font (support for Latin-based languages only) and now need the OpenType Pro version (support also for Greek, Greek polytonic, Cyrillic and Vietnamese), you can upgrade your licence.
If you have previously purchased a licence for a PostScript or TrueType font, and now need the OpenType version, you can upgrade your licence. Instead of paying the full price of a new licence, you will pay only the difference in price.
The postal service is more reliable than it may at first seem. In more than ten years of operation, TPTQ Arabic has had very few lost packages. If your order is important, please plan sufficient delivery time. The pre-holiday season is particularly hectic for the post, and many packages are delayed.