
TrueType (.ttf) is an outline font format originally developed by Apple Computer in the late 1980s.

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Quality of font rendering varies greatly depending on platform and application. Mac OSX uses a generic rendering algorithm which displays all fonts equally well and completely ignores font hinting. Windows on the other hand only displays well TrueType fonts which have been optimized (hinted) for the screen.
OpenType is a computer font format that was built on its predecessor TrueType, intended to supersede both the TrueType and the PostScript Type 1 font formats.
The TPTQ Arabic End User Licence allows embedding of fonts in documents when you take reasonable measures to prevent font data extraction. Use the option ‘Embed characters in use only’, when creating the document to make the file smaller and to protect the fonts more.
TPTQ Arabic’s font embedding system works with any browser supporting the @font-face rule, so you don’t have to worry about the technical differences between Explorer and other browsers. For the curious and the technically-minded: Internet Explorer supports embedding of EOT (Embedded OpenType) fonts, whereas other browsers use standard TrueType (TTF)...
The TrueType format was jointly developed by Apple and Microsoft in 1991, several years after the release of the PostScript Type 1 font format. Despite the format’s technical superiority (most of the system fonts on both Mac and Windows computers are TrueType) it never became popular amongst designers.

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Unpacking and installing fonts on Mac OS and Windows