Central European

Central European character sets support Central European languages that use Latin script, (Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Slovene, Serbian, Croatian, Romanian and Albanian).

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TPTQ Arabic fonts support 85 languages, however not every version of every font supports every language. For example if you use both English and Czech in a document, you need to use a version of the font which supports those two languages.
We offer two different kinds of Arabic fonts: Fedra AR (Arabic), which supports only the Arabic and Mac Roman sets; and Fedra Multiscript, which offers the same Arabic support plus full Latin (Western, Turkish, Central, Eastern European), Greek and Cyrillic.

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TPTQ Arabic offers Multilingual Unicode Compliant Fonts in WGL4, and larger character sset supporting over 80 languages in standard Latin, Central European, Baltic, Turkish, Greek, Cyrillic, and Arabic encodings.