multiple users

multiple users refers to the situation in which there is more than one End User.

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Yes, you can change the billing details at any time. Log in to your Account, and go to My Webfonts. Click on the tab Users, and enter the email address of the new user. The new user must have a TPTQ Arabic account with this email address.
You can upgrade your current font licence to cover additional users at any time. For example, you can first buy a single-user licence to get a good idea whether the fonts suit your purposes, then upgrade the licence to cover all users in your office.
An existing font licence can be extended to any number of users. The price already paid will be subtracted from the total price, thus it doesnʼt matter if you buy a multiple-user licence right away or later. You can upgrade to license more users directly from your account.
The main variables that affect the price of a font are: the number of selected styles, number of users, and selected format. For example, our OpenType Std fonts are €90 per style, while OpenType Pro fonts are €120 per style (for single-user licenses).